Sunday, November 11, 2007

Personal Responsibility

I will continue to apply critical thinking to the technologies that I'm learning. I am being careful not to blindly go where the masses, ease of use, and convenience may take me. For every new technology that I learn about, I must apply a rubric that enables me to analyze and determine for myself if this is a direction that I wish to pursue. And with that analysis comes the need to make sure that this course of action falls within my personal values.

It is not wise or prudent to do something simply because everyone else is doing it. This is not a case of safety being found in numbers. It is wrong to think that what is popular belief is right for everyone.

I will continue to ask questions of myself and my teachers and my peers whenever I'm blithely being told to do something. I will remind them that I believe it is my personal and ethical responsibility to question what is happening with all of my personal data that's being stored and monitored by Google. I am to consider what the differences are if any between Enron as the violating corporation and Google as the largest, wealthiest company. Just because Google uses colorful display with cartoon images does not mean they are friendly or harmless. But this is digressing into an article of a different subject and for another time...

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