Sunday, November 11, 2007

Writer's Block

It's making me insane. My mind is continually churning out comments and dialogue regarding so many topics that concern me at this time of my life. I've made multiple efforts to allow for the expression of these thoughts, not the least of which is this blog, and yet, it never fails that I sit down to write or type and my mind is a complete blank!

I've taken to carrying a digital voice recorder and speaking my thoughts into it. But it's like talking on the phone while driving and can be quite a bit of distraction. I also don't make the time to get the files downloaded and encoded as wmv files to listen and editing is even farther out there on the task list.

I suppose that another view of this issue would be to rise above in order to grasp a bigger picture... to spend time considering why I'm wrestling with so many frustrations rather than simply developing a meditative practice to quiet the mind and those many thoughts. Were I to follow that path, I'd probably find a side effect of easing the writer's block in addition to the newly found peace of mind.

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